
Six reasons you need to start building (and nurturing) an email list for your business

Most new business owners are focused on one thing: bringing in the moolah. They want to be doing things like creating products, advertising their store, submitting service proposals, and networking with potential customers. My response is always the same. Building an email list WILL bring in money! Sure, building an email list and sending newsletters can seem, well, kinda like a lot of effort for something that doesn’t generate any

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How to identify your ideal client (without having to know their favorite songs and snack foods!)

Are you struggling to identify your ideal client? In this video I share some easy to implement tips on how to create an ideal client profile without having to answer a bunch of random questions like whether your ideal client prefers sweet or salty snacks and what her favorite song is (because, seriously, how many peeps have just one??). Tip #1: Understand what the term “ideal client” actually means. An

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7 productivity hacks to help you stay on track whether you’re feeling like Superwoman or Slothwoman!

Do you often get to the end of your day and realize you’re exhausted but you haven’t really got anything done? Sure you did stuff throughout the day, but you didn’t actually accomplish much. You weren’t productive. It’s a pretty crappy realization that can lead you into a spiral of stress and nasty self-judgments. I’ve been caught up in that spiral on more than one occasion and it SUCKS! I

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Hiring a business coach is one of the smartedt investments you can make - even when you're just starting out. Click over to the blog to read about 7 things a business coach can help you with so that you can grow your business.

7 things a business coach can help you with even when you’re a newbie entrepreneur

You might be thinking that business coaches are just for companies and entrepreneurs who are already in the big leagues and have mega bucks to spend. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Business coaching is one of the smartest investments a new business owner can make. But why? I hear you asking. Why would someone need a business coach when they’re just starting out? Let’s start by defining a

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Starting a business? Avoid these common mistakes…

Some decisions are life-changing. The decision to start a business is one of those decisions. It’s exciting and liberating and terrifying all at once. And if you’re currently at that point, or you’ve been there before, you’ll probably agree with me that trying to figure out all the right steps to take can be pretty overwhelming at times. And there’s a lot of pressure! Pressure to do things right; pressure

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